Docker Host Service Viewer Application
Hi everybody.
I prepared docker images for an Asp.Net Core 3.1 Mvc Web Application.
It’s about monitoring hosts and pages. If you have lots of hosts and have to know which one is online or offline, you can use this web application to monitor. It is so easy to setup if you are familiar to docker container images.
This is the architecture:
The docker images contains one mongodb, one core 3.1 web api, one core 3.1 mvc web application. It’s open source! I shared the source codes from github. Right here!
Here is some screenshots:
How to setup?
First you need docker-compose.yml file. Don’t afraid! I’ll share.
download docker-compose.yml above the file
Make a new folder named HostServiceViewer
move docker-compose.yml file to HostServiceViewer folder
in HostServiceViewer folder open command prompt (or powershell) > docker-compose up -d
That’s it!
open browser
view: http://localhost/
manage: http://localhost/Admin
webapi: http://localhost:8081/api/list
Docker Hub Repositories
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